250k electric vehicles sold by Renault-Nissan Alliance

Historic EV milestone reached in early June Alliance sells half of all EVs globally EV sales up nearly 15 per cent through May vs. same period last year Nissan LEAF remains world’s best-selling EV Frenchman from Bordeaux bought 250,000th Alliance EV: a Renault ZOE PARIS/YOKOHAMA (June 24th, 2015)—The Renault-Nissan Alliance, the world’s leader in zero-emission

Latest electric vehicle developments introduced by Renault

The R240 motor extends ZOE’s range, while the Cargo version of the Twizy facilitates city deliveries A pioneer of the affordable all-electric vehicle, Groupe Renault is the only manufacturer to offer a comprehensive range of electric cars, which it has just extended with two new innovations. Courtesy of the R240 motor, customers who use the