MPs call for accelerated rollout of EV infrastructure and emission zone extensions

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Air Pollution has called for an accelreated roll out of electric vehicle infrastructure and for emissions zones to be extended to help tackle climate change as the coronavirus lockdown starts to lift. The APPG has launched its Strategy to Reduce Coronavirus Infection as we emerge from Lockdown in order to

Electric cars gain market share in Europe despite Covid-19 crisis

Data suggests that carmakers are making progress towards meeting emissions reductions targets Electric and hybrid cars gained traction among European buyers in April despite coronavirus lockdowns stalling the market, suggesting carmakers are likely to avoid potential fines potentially worth billions of euros if they fail to reduce average emissions. Battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid

Charging with an Ohme smart charging cable

Electric vehicle drivers got paid to fill up this weekend

Electricity prices went negative for long periods on Octopus Energy’s Agile tariff on the bank holiday weekend Drivers with the Ohme charger automatically charged their cars when prices were cheap/negative Ohme drivers got paid around £5 as they charged over 600 miles worth of electricity, enough to drive London to County Durham and back, and

Tesla Model 3 Unveil (Image: Tesla)

Why fleets are (still) making the switch to electric vehicles

With oil prices at multi-year lows, conventional wisdom suggests an interest in electric vehicles (EVs) will wane. Perhaps surprisingly, the opposite is happening. Whilst registrations for diesel and petrol vehicles have plunged in the UK year on year, registrations for electric vehicles have more than doubled in the midst of the global pandemic. Analysts don’t