Number of electric vehicles in Milton Keynes triples

The number of electric vehicle (EV) users in Milton Keynes has tripled over the summer.

Electric charge point CMK (Image: One MK)

Electric charge point CMK (Image: One MK)

In January 2016, Milton Keynes Council was awarded Go Ultra Low City status which through funding support from central government for infrastructure is designed to increase the use of EVs in the city. The number has now increased from 220 in July to 661 by the end of September.

Milton Keynes has more than 170 standard and 56 rapid charging points, with more being installed in the near future.

July saw the launch of the new ‘Green Parking Permit’ for ultra-low EVs which allows them to park for free in purple bays, the red/black employee spaces (Mon-Fri) and in the specified EV spaces. To date, the council has issued 157 permits.

The Green Permit is free if your vehicle fits the criteria of producing 75g/km or less of CO².

Chargemaster, who run the vehicle charging points across MK, has recorded a four-fold increase in their usage.

These latest figures indicate that EVs are becoming more popular in MK and less of a niche choice by motorists.

Cllr Liz Gifford, cabinet member for transport said

“These latest stats are very encouraging and show that people are turning more and more to electric vehicles.”

“It’s important to us to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible and these ultra-low vehicles are the way to do just that.”

David Martell, chief executive of Chargemaster PLC, the operators of the Milton Keynes charging network commented:

“The policies of Milton Keynes Council encouraging electric vehicles are clearly working. By having a high quality network of charging points, low cost electric charging and with free parking in many areas Milton Keynes is a great place to own an EV.

“In addition, the new initiatives under the Milton Keynes Go Ultra Low plans will keep this momentum going helped by many new electric models coming along from key manufacturers like VW, BMW, Jaguar and Audi. This all bodes well for a high proportion of electric vehicles in Milton Keynes over the next decade which will keep emissions low and air quality at a high level.”

Read more: One MK

The Complete Guide to Electric Car Benefits in Milton Keynes

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