Tesla Model 3 at launch (Image: K. Field/CC)

In time, all cars will be electric, driverless and running on renewables

Speculation about the future of transportation, like common flu, appears to be contagious. Not a week goes by without another celebrity, business guru or executive predicting that future of transportation is electric. That, you may say, is probable and not newsworthy. What is newsworthy is that many of the same people are predicting that the

Santa's new electric sleigh, based on a Model X (Image: Tesla Motors)

Yule Included!!

A very Happy Christmas to all customers of Fuel Included, and everyone who knows us. 2016 was a pretty rough year for many people, so here’s hoping that 2017 will bring you everything you’re hoping for. For now, have a great Christmas and enjoy your time with friends and family. Merry Christmas to one and