- Sonnenspeicher was designed by Wolfram Walter and German firm ASD
- Its lithium iron phosphate battery stores energy from solar panels
- Cheapest model is €8,450 (£6,170), but it will save money on electricity bills
- It also comes with ‘intelligent management system’ that controls current
In the past year solar power in the UK has more than doubled while in the US it has grown by 30 per cent.
But many current systems fail to solve the problem of how energy is managed and used overnight when the sun sets.
Traditionally, energy gathered during the day is sent back to the grid, but this can prove costly if you need to buy it back – unless you have a smart battery that stores the excess energy in your home.
With this in mind, German firm Automatic Storage Device (ASD) and designer Wolfram Walter have created the Sonnenspeicher.
It uses a lithium iron phosphate battery to store the energy harvested during the day by solar panels fitted to a roof.

Sonnenspeicher features an intelligent management system that automatically controls the charging and discharging current (Image: ASD)
This energy is used throughout the day, and any excess is stored for when the sun goes down.
Rather than selling this excess electricity to the grid, and potentially having to buy it back at a later date or time, homeowners can use this stored supply to power their home until the sun rises again.
Sonnenspeicher features an intelligent management system that automatically controls the charging and discharging current, to make it easier to manage how much energy is being used.
Read more: Daily Mail