Why you should consider a used electric car

Whether you are looking for your first electric car or your next electric car, there are many reasons why opting for a used one might be the best option for you.

See: Used ZOE 22kWh available now from £206 PCM with £250 deposit.

I’ve had my ZOE for almost 2 years, it’s a 2015 model with a reasonable range of 75-80 miles (real world). I was recently considering upgrading to the latest model that offers 250 miles (NEDC) range, however the price on the latest model was much higher than my current model (due to the larger battery and increased range). With budget in mind I started to weigh up the want for more range against the need for more range and soon realised that actually a used electric car with a range I am currently used to will continue to suit me just fine.

So when thinking about your first or next electric car, consider the following:

  • How many miles do you actually need your electric car to cover each day? And does a used electric car cover this?
  • If not, do you have the opportunity to charge it easily during your day? At work or during a commute?
  • What spec and features does a used electric car have compared to a newer one? Sometimes features in older model may cost extra in newer versions, for example the reversing camera in the ZOE is extra in the new model but comes as standard in most of the older models. And sometimes the features don’t differ much at all.
  • You still get a minimum of 1 year warranty with a used electric car.
  • Some used cars still come with a free charge point.
  • Availability of the car is almost always immediate so you can be driving electric in no time at all.
  • Low and zero deposit options are available, or you can increase the deposit to really drive down any monthly finance costs.

And let’s not forget opting for a pre-owned used electric car is a greener approach to electric car ownership, recycle and re-use.

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  1. Pingback: STILL LOVING THE 22KWH RENAULT ZOE - My Renault ZOE electric car

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