Electric Car Heaven: Charging in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes has probably the greatest concentration of electric car charging points of any location in the world. This arguably makes it the best candidate destination city for electric car drivers anywhere in the world.

Electric cars charging in Milton Keynes (Image: T. Larkum)

Electric cars charging in Milton Keynes (Image: T. Larkum)

Of course, those are difficult statements to confirm since there aren’t international league tables of such things. However, a look at international charge point maps like Plugshare certainly seems to indicate that it has as many standard power charge points (some 170) as other candidate ‘hot spots’ such as Los Angeles in the US and Oslo in Norway. If you look further into the density of high power rapid chargers (56) it appears to win hands down against all comers.


Charge Point Locations

More to the point, however, is that charge point locations are very well organised in Milton Keynes. While in other cities the growth and placement of charge points appears to be organic, i.e. nearly random, they are well placed in MK. Specifically the city centre is arranged in blocks on a grid (in the American style) and charge points are placed along at least one and usually both of the long sides of each block. One block can have as many as a dozen standard speed chargers.

The rapid chargers are arranged more strategically. In the city centre there is one rapid to every one or two blocks. Outside the centre, in the suburbs, there is one to every second or third housing estate.

Rapid Chargers next to Milton Keynes Central railway station parking (Image: T. Larkum)

Rapid Chargers next to Milton Keynes Central railway station (Image: T. Larkum)

The result of having so many charge points in Milton Keynes is that anyone can visit the city in an electric car and be confident of finding somewhere to charge for the return journey. With a typical EV range of 80 miles this means that MK can welcome visitors from as far afield as Southampton in the south, Gloucester in the west and Nottingham in the north – they won’t have to charge on the way in or back home.


Chargemaster / Polar Network

The charge points in MK are part of the Polar network operated by Chargemaster. Therefore to make use of them it’s necessary to use a Polar app or swipe card, either on subscription (Polar Network) or Pay As You Go (Polar Instant).

With that arranged, it is possible to find a charge point near almost anywhere in the city centre. Their locations can be seen on the council’s charge point map (PDF) and on the online Polar Live map.

This makes MK the perfect place for EV owners, whether visiting occasionally for shopping or commuting in daily for work.

Part 2: Parking

The Complete Guide to Electric Car Benefits in Milton Keynes

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  1. Pingback: Electric Car Heaven 2: Parking in Milton Keynes - Fuel Included: Electric cars with FREE fuel

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