Self-Driving and Electric Cars Are Going to Have Tons of Strange Effects on Society

Electric cars will be good for the planet and autonomous vehicles will reduce the number of road accidents. That much we know. But what other impacts will the coming automobile revolution provide? First, a bit of managing expectations: without regulatory incentives, America’s electric car adoption looks like it will be slow to grow, and the

Clean disruption of energy & transportation

The industrial age of energy and transportation will be over by 2030. Maybe before. Exponentially improving technologies such as solar, electric vehicles, and autonomous (self-driving) cars will disrupt and sweep away the energy and transportation industries as we know it. The same Silicon Valley ecosystem that created bit-based technologies that have disrupted atom-based industries is

Is 2017 THE year of the Electric Car?

Electric Car Sales Boom As UK Vehicle Sales Hit a 12-Year High The popularity of the electric car has increased exponentially in recent years, with projections of 2 million electric cars shortly on the world’s roads (Guardian, 2016). This in turn has seen many adaptations such as charging points at service stations and even fast-food