Electric Car Life-Cycle Analysis
Renault Fluence ZE Vs Diesel, Gas Models The environmental impact of plug-in electric cars is a source for much debate these days. They use less energy on a wells-to-wheels carbon basis than the vast majority of new cars sold in North America, even if they’re recharged on coal-heavy electric grids. But the manufacturing impact is
Alphabet equips SEPUR’s fleet with Renault ZOEs
Alphabet France, the fourth-biggest multi-brand long-term car hire company on the French market, delivered the first 11 Renault ZOEs to the headquarters of SEPUR in Thiverval Grignon (Yvelines), on 21 November. It’s just a short step from A for Alphabet to Z for ZOE, and AlphaElectric is the name of the first all-round package for