Alphabet equips SEPUR’s fleet with Renault ZOEs

SEPUR's Renault ZOEs (Image: Renault)

SEPUR’s Renault ZOEs (Image: Renault)

Alphabet France, the fourth-biggest multi-brand long-term car hire company on the French market, delivered the first 11 Renault ZOEs to the headquarters of SEPUR in Thiverval Grignon (Yvelines), on 21 November.

It’s just a short step from A for Alphabet to Z for ZOE, and AlphaElectric is the name of the first all-round package for the long-term hire of electric vehicles. Alphabet has signed an order with SEPUR for 61 Renault ZOE electric cars.

By the end of the first quarter of 2015, SEPUR, a company specialising in waste management and urban cleanliness, will replace all the conventional vehicles at its 17 outlets in the Paris area by about 100 ZOEs.

Renault contributed to the project by organising training in eco-friendly driving for SEPUR employees and by urging the sales teams to ensure all the ZOEs are delivered on time.

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