Electric cars can help you live longer

Migration from polluting vehicles that burn fossil fuels to electric vehicles, ideally using electricity generated sustainably could significantly reduce the incidence of cardiopulmonary illness due to air pollution, says a study. This could lead not only to less employee absence from work through illness but also lead to broad improvements in the quality and length

Electric Vehicle Approved scheme to recognise dealers

A new scheme has been launched to recognise dealerships skilled at selling and servicing electric vehicles. The Electric Vehicle Approved scheme will encourage car dealers to develop their expertise in servicing electric vehicles, as the country continues to move towards a zero-emission future backed by the government’s comprehensive £1.5 billion Road to zero strategy. The

ZOE Cab autonomous vehicle (Image: Renault)

Nothing To See Here, Just An Autonomous Renault Zoe With A Lambo Door

Renault and several partners have started “The Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab” project which aims to make self-driving transportation a reality in France. The project aims to develop new mobility services using dedicated lane and public and campus streets to supplement the existing Saclay Plateau transportation systems. Made possible by Renault’s collaboration with the Transdev Group, IRT

Big Oil wants to kill electric vehicles

Big Oil and its front groups want to kill electric vehicles (EVs) under the pretense of fairness. It’s no secret why. The industry sees that the electric transportation future is coming fast, threatening their polluting profits, and they’re scared. We should double down on electrifying transportation and support an expansion of EV tax credits so