10 Myths About Electric Cars That Owners Know Aren’t True


10 Myths About Electric Cars That Owners Know Aren’t True

Are electric cars going to ruin driving for everyone? If there’s one thing we all know, it’s that people don’t like change. Electric vehicles are an enormous change for the automotive world. EVs have been criticized, questioned, and insulted at every turn, yet the world is moving toward them and away from traditional ICE vehicles.

Why are electric cars criticized and questioned as much as they are? Consider the first person to drive a horseless carriage. Everyone around them still had horses to pull the wagons and get them where they needed to go. Were those with horses jealous of the person who didn’t need to feed and brush their method of transportation? Perhaps.

1EVs Don’t Have Enough Range

The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that the average American drives 40 miles per day. Some people commute much further in one direction, while others stay at home and don’t have to drive anywhere every day. Most electric cars provide ample driving range to handle the daily commute and much more.


Common EVs Driving Range

Nissan Leaf 150 Miles
Hyundai Kona EV 258 Miles
Chevrolet Bolt EV 259 Miles
Tesla Model 3 310 Miles
Tesla Model S 335 Miles

Electric vehicle skeptics might have a point when it comes to road trips. It’s difficult to complete a road trip, especially if the destination is key, when driving an EV.

Read more: TopSpeed

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