BMW, V2X, And The Death Of The Gasmobile

BMW is stepping up from vehicle-to-grid EV charging to kick vehicle-to-everything (V2X) into gear, with an assist from the California utility PG&E

The bad news just keeps on coming for fossil energy stakeholders. In the latest development, BMW is working with the leading California utility, PG&E, to demonstrate how EV batteries can contribute to grid stability instead of placing new burdens on the nation’s electricity infrastructure. The secret sauce is V2X, the Vehicle-to-Everything model for using an EV battery to power all sorts of electric devices.

Nobody Expects V2X

The infrastructure argument against widespread EV adoption has been neatly summed up by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who called zero emission vehicles a “new way to overburden California’s already collapsing energy grid” in a segment last September.

Whoa if true. However, not true according to professionals who actually know a thing or two about electricity.

The leading utility National Grid, for example, does caution that grid issues could arise from a piecemeal approach to fleet electrification, when too many fleets are clustered in one area. Its main point, though, was to advocate for proactive, collaborative planning and infrastructure investment to foster a smooth transition to EVs.

On a broader scope, EV stakeholders are already engaged with “smart charging” strategies that take advantage of low-demand periods along with the availability of renewable energy.

Read more: CleanTechnica

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