Tesla Model3 (Image: Wikimedia/Carlquinn)

Tesla’s First Mass-Market Car, the Model 3, Hits Production This Week

Tesla’s long-awaited mass-market electric car will begin rolling off the assembly line this week. But even as it moves ahead, the automaker is encountering challenges to its ambitious plans for growth. On Monday, it acknowledged that it had experienced a “severe shortfall” in production of 100-kilowatt battery packs that use new technologies and are made

Lyft’s autonomous electric vehicles will run on 100% renewable energy

One of the leading on-demand ridesharing companies has committed to charging its forthcoming autonomous electric vehicle fleet with electricity from renewable sources. One of the promises of services such as Lyft and Uber (which are called ridesharing platforms but are more like dispatchers for freelance taxis) is that they will reduce the need for car

White Tesla Model S (Image: T. Larkum)

Tesla Showroom Opens in Central Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes is probably the leading city in the UK for its support for electric vehicles (EVs). Today I went into the main shopping centre to have a look at the progress on the forthcoming EV Experience Centre. On the way I checked out the new Tesla showroom (in the Intu centre) which I hadn’t visited

Tesla install to bring Europe’s largest community battery to Nottingham

What is expected to be Europe’s largest community battery is set to be installed at an innovative regeneration scheme in Nottingham, with a 2MWh Tesla battery to be deployed in September as part of a housing scheme alongside community solar. The £100 million Trent Basin project is a new housing development built at the site