I am a regular train/bike commuter cycling about 8 miles a day and doing the main part of my journey on a train. However, when all trains into Euston got cancelled last night due to a fire, I was fortunate enough to get a text from a friend saying he fancied the ride, and knew the way. I was not travelling light (still had laptop and other items in my bag), but thought “what the hell”.
I’m delighted that I did. Although a regular commuter cyclist, I haven’t done a longer ride like this for well over 15 years. I had also done a 5k run earlier that day so my legs were not the freshest (there – all my excuses up-front).
We enjoyed a beautiful route through the spring evening, which included a spectacular and steep ascent of Bison Hill near Whipsnade, well described here on thecyclehub. I have set no records as my stats below show. However, there is something very joyous about not having to depend on the rail network when things go wrong.