BMW Group: More Than 50% Of Electricity Use Worldwide From Renewables

BMW Group is now, for the first time in its history, receiving more than half of its electricity worldwide from renewable energy infrastructure, based on comments made by company representatives at the recent 2015 Annual Account Press Conference. Bmw“More than half” in this case means 51%. 🙂 So, just above half. Still, considering where the

Tar Sands in Alberta (Image: Wikimedia/Howl Arts Collective)

Population controls ‘will not solve environment issues’

Restricting population growth will not solve global issues of sustainability in the short term, new research says. A worldwide one-child policy would mean the number of people in 2100 remained around current levels, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Even a catastrophic event that killed billions of

Volvo XC90 PHEV (Image: GCR)

Hidden benefits of electric vehicles revealed

Electric vehicles are cool, research shows. Literally. A study in this week’s Scientific Reports by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) and in China add more fuel to the already hot debate about whether electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly than conventional vehicles by uncovering two hidden benefits. They show that the cool factor is

Climate change: UN backs fossil fuel divestment campaign

Framework convention on climate change says it shares aim for strong deal on fighting global warming at Paris summit The UN organisation in charge of global climate change negotiations is backing the fast-growing campaign persuading investors to sell off their fossil fuel assets. It said it was lending its “moral authority” to the divestment campaign

Siemens EV Charging (Image: Siemens)

Siemens delivers EV infrastructure packages in South Tyneside and Dorset

[From December 2014] Siemens is supplying and installing two electric vehicle (EV) rapid charging networks in South Tyneside and Dorset in early 2015. The charging points will be connected to the Charge Your Car network and back office system as part of two complete EV packages with three years maintenance support provided by Siemens. Funded