Severe Flooding, Against a Background of Wind Turbines: November 2012, Tyringham, Bucks. (Image: T. Larkum)

Parliamentary group warns that global fossil fuels could peak in less than 10 years

British MPs launch landmark report on impending environmental ‘limits’ to economic growth A report commissioned on behalf of a cross-party group of British MPs authored by a former UK government advisor, the first of its kind, says that industrial civilisation is currently on track to experience “an eventual collapse of production and living standards” in

Inception the Movie (Image: Warner Bros)

Britain’s property market is on the cusp of a crash as household finances reach breaking point

Britain’s property prices are skyrocketing but household earnings and savings can’t keep up. Couple this with the amount of debt Britons are taking on and it looks like the UK’s property market is heading for a crash. Why? — Because getting a mortgage is possibly the most debt you’ll take on in one go and