“Electric cars must not become pawns in a divisive culture war”

Andy Palmer sees the incorrect reporting of the Luton Airport fire as yet more evidence of the politically charged debate around electric vehicles

Those of us who have been in and around the automotive industry for long enough have witnessed the evolution of cars from mere means of getting from A to B, to symbols of innovation, status, and, more recently, pawns on a political chessboard.

The transition towards electric vehicles marks a significant development, not just technologically, but socio-politically too. The recent fire in a car park at Luton Airport, which was widely attributed as starting in an electric vehicle without any solid proof or evidence, is a prime example of the dangerous misinformation that underpins the political dialogue surrounding EVs. It was later reported by a number of media outlets that the fire was, in fact, caused by a diesel vehicle.

Despite that, the ‘electric vehicle fire’ narrative quickly became a trending topic in the public debate surrounding the adoption of EVs, with EV sceptics using it as an example of the ‘dangers’ posed by these vehicles. X, once known as Twitter, was pulsing with speculation that the fire had started from an electric vehicle, with some users pointing to previous, unrelated, fires associated with EVs as apparent evidence of this.

Read more: AutoExpress

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