My Electric Valentine

“What I actually found from the minute I first took her for a spin, was the very modern run around punched above its weight on looks, equipment & costs”

I find myself in a strange dichotomy at this time of year when pledging love to your nearest & dearest is the thing to do. Just two years ago my new love affair started with a ‘newer, younger model’ named ZOE. She came with all the whistles & bells that would normally only be associated with an uptown high-end model, but I have to say it was love at first sight.

my other love is electric

To set the record straight, I am a 40+ year old biker who works through the week to get to the weekend to take my Harley Davidson out on the open road. A true petrol head, raised on a diet of high octane & V twins so you would be surprised at my reaction to living with an Electric Vehicle.

I was a total sceptic at first, all the usual urban myths of “it will be a faff to charge”, “the car will look like a bubble car” & “I won’t want to be seen driving it”. What I actually found from the minute I first took her for a spin, was the very modern run around punched above its weight on looks, equipment & costs, which took me by surprise. With benefits including cheap running costs, free parking in designated areas, and looks that rival any Cleo or Fiesta to name a few, you would be mad not to consider an Electric Vehicle when the time comes.

On balance, I will always love the thump of a V-twin, but if owning an Electric Vehicle helps me do my part for the environment, keeps my costs low to keep me in the saddle, then I will choose electric every time. I would do your research on Electric Vehicles; trust me there are some fantastic deals out there already and you could be part of a revolution that shapes the way motoring will ultimately go. Check out also for the latest advice and steer on your new love affair.

Submitted by Jay Little – Fuel Included customer

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