BMW Group is now, for the first time in its history, receiving more than half of its electricity worldwide from renewable energy infrastructure, based on comments made by company representatives at the recent 2015 Annual Account Press Conference.
Bmw“More than half” in this case means 51%. So, just above half. Still, considering where the company was only a few years ago, and compared to most other companies that is commendable. The company is reportedly aiming to receive around 100% of its electricity via renewable energy infrastructure over just the next few years, which could put it in competition with IKEA.
That goal will be achieved via a step-by-step plan that will see the company first greatly improve energy efficiency at its various facilities around the world. After this step is completed, the company will then oversee a renewables generation buildout, and then, finally, a third step involves purchasing the remainder of its needed electricity from various energy companies.
The Head of Sustainability & Environmental Protection at the BMW Group, Ursula Mathar:
“We have a clear objective and a concrete plan for the transition to renewable energy. However, economic viability is essential for implementation. Only under the right framework conditions can we put our plans into action step by step in individual markets worldwide.”
A recent press release provides further details:
Some 51% of the electricity supplied to the BMW Group worldwide is already being drawn from renewable energy sources. In Leipzig, Germany, the BMW Group is using wind power. In mid-2013, four wind turbines started operation on the premises of the plant, with 100% of the power produced going into the production of the BMW i3 and BMW i8. At the Spartanburg plant in South Carolina, USA, a methane gas system provides around 50% of the energy required for production. At the Rosslyn plant in South Africa, the foundation stone for a combined heat and power unit fired by biogas was laid at the end of 2014. The gas used is sourced from the waste products created on cattle and chicken farms. Commissioning of this system will already enable the company to cover over 25% of the energy required by the production plant this year.
Good steps, for sure. It’ll be interesting to see how long it’ll take BMW Group to achieve its goal.
Source: Clean Technica