EV Experience Centre Nearly Ready

The Milton Keynes Electric Vehicle Experience Centre (EVEC) is due to open this Saturday, 22nd July. Being curious (ok, nosey) I scouted it out on Tuesday after my visit to the new Tesla showroom.

The new EV Experience Centre under wraps (Image: T. Larkum)

The new EV Experience Centre under wraps (Image: T. Larkum)

It has a fairly good location near the middle of the main shopping centre; it’s on Crown Walk, next to the big Boots store. It looks smaller than I expected, at least on the outside. Currently there isn’t much to see – the windows are blanked out and there was someone on the door in front of a sign saying ‘Invited Guests Only’.

EVEC's BMW i8 plugin hybrid (Image: T. Larkum)

EVEC’s BMW i8 plugin hybrid (Image: T. Larkum)`

Two plugin cars were on display at the intersection of Crown Walk and Silbury Arcade – a BMW i8 and a Kia Optima PHEV.

EVEC's Kia Optima plugin hybrid (Image: T. Larkum)

EVEC’s Kia Optima plugin hybrid (Image: T. Larkum)

We have been invited to the official EVEC launch so I’ll report back after that.


The Complete Guide to Electric Car Benefits in Milton Keynes

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  1. Pingback: Electric Vehicle Experience Centre (EVEC) Preview Event - Fuel Included: Electric cars with FREE fuel

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