Pollution at Drax Coal Power Station near Selby (Image: J. Giles/PA)

How Solar Power Could Slay the Fossil Fuel Empire by 2030

In just 15 years, the world as we know it will have transformed forever. The ​age of oil, gas, coal and nuclear will be over. A new age of clean power and smarter cars will fundamentally, totally, and permanently disrupt the existing fossil fuel-dependent industrial infrastructure in a way that even the most starry-eyed proponents

Electric Car Recharging

How Much Range Do Electric Cars Need?

Car buyers consider many factors before making a purchase – including comfort, style and efficiency. If they were honest and realistic about how much they drive, a majority of consumers inclined to purchase electric vehicles would choose battery-powered cars that can travel fewer than 100 miles on a full charge, new research finds. And according

Electric Car Recharging

Is now the time to buy an electric or hybrid car?

Best cars and options explored The future of driving appears to be electric, with Formula E in full effect, supercars adopting hybrid drive systems and range getting further all the time. Fuel powered engines may have their days numbered. But is it time to make the change to electric? Now that the big car manufacturers

G20 nations had been spending almost $90bn a year on finding more oil, gas and coal

A 5 Minute History of Climate Politics

Today begins the UNFCCC’s COP20 which, since the failure of the Copenhagen Accord, will build on the Durban Platform which follows the Bali Roadmap and the Warsaw Outcomes to replace the Kyoto Protocol. Overwhelmed? Fair enough. Confused? Don’t be. The world of international climate politics seems almost indulgently complex. Yet the negotiations that are about