Off-peak kerbside EV charging costs drop by 10% in one month, says AA

The AA has revealed that off-peak slow kerbside electric vehicle (EV) charging in residential streets has dropped more than 10% in the past month to 33p/kWh.

According to the May 2023 AA EV Recharge Report, peak slow charging has also dropped by more than a quarter from 72p to 53p.

A reduction in the cost of kerbside EV charging is a positive for many within the industry. Previously, many had highlighted that with the introduction of the Energy Price Guarantee, home charging became significantly cheaper than public charging.

This caused issues when considering a “just transition” with this causing further EV charging disparity in the UK with those that are able to afford a driveway able to benefit from cheaper charging rates.

But with AA declaring that slow kerbside charging rates are now beginning to drop, this is a major boost for the industry and could well support the greater adoption of EVs on UK roads.

“Drivers without a driveway looking to switch to an EV will be happy to see off-peak kerbside charging now cheaper than the Energy Price Guarantee. This means they will feel some of the benefit EV owners with dedicated off-street parking have,” said Jack Cousens, head of roads policy for the AA.

Read more: Current+

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